Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 15

With Lauren headed to Roxanne's stompin' grounds (SF for wedding/bangtown) and leaving "The Kit" with a roommate (moi) dripping with an innate intrigue of how this was all going to play out (who WOULDN'T want to know the fate of this 48 hour romance?), we all knew the fliers weren't going to distribute themselves. Especially since DSM (desperately seeking Miguel) is not a band (perhaps it should be?!). And definitely not a band with a street team.

All DSM had at this point was an army of one (Roxanne) with hopes of cooperation from Lauren (I mean, for $100 bucks she better be on board and lets face it, no one is going to send back a hundie spot).

So naturally... I jumped on the bandwagon like a sixteen-year-old wannabe band groupie.

After $40 and granted permission for a blog documenting the ifs ands and buts of this endeavor- the deal was made.

Armed with "the kit," I hit the streets. I must say, you definitely get a lot of looks when you are putting up fliers with the word, "DESPERATE" front and center.

A passerby said, "Aww, that's so cute" (inside I could see she was saying, PSYCHO!). I immediately responded with thanks and then acknowledged that I was not the one per se that was desperately seeking Miguel. Desperate? No. Seeking? Maybe. But that's for Roxanne's sake. Honestly, when you see someone fightin' the good fight you want to see positive results.

So keep those fingers crossed. More updates coming soon.

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